Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Craving Interpretations

Thanks T. for your doctors list.

If you crave this...
What you really need is...
And here are healthy foods that have it:

Magnesium=Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits

Chromium=Broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, chicken

Carbon=Fresh fruits

Phosphorus=Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, grain

Sulfur=Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage

Tryptophan=Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach

Bread, toast
Nitrogen=High protein foods: fish, meat, nuts, beans

Oily snacks, fatty foods
Calcium=Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame

Coffee or tea
Phosphorous=Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes

Sulfur=Egg yolks, red peppers, muscle protein, garlic, onion, cruciferous vegetables

NaCl (salt)=Sea salt, apple cider vinegar (on salad)

Iron=Meat, fish and poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries

Alcohol,recreational drugs
Protein=Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, nuts

Avenin=Granola, oatmeal

Calcium=Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame

Glutamine=Supplement glutamine powder for withdrawal, raw cabbage juice

Potassium=Sun-dried black olives, potato peel broth, seaweed, bitter greens

Chewing ice
Iron=Meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries

Burned food
Carbon=Fresh fruits

Soda and other carbonated drinks
Calcium=Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame

Salty foods
Chloride=Raw goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt

Acid foods
Magnesium=Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits

Preference for liquids rather than solids
Water=Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.

Preference for solids rather than liquids
Water=You have been so dehydrated for so long that you have lost your thirst. Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.

Cool drinks
Manganese=Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries

Pre-menstrual cravings
Zinc=Red meats (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables

General overeating
Silicon=Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches

Tryptophan=Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweat potato, spinach

Tyrosine=Vitamin C supplements or orange, green, red fruits and vegetables

Lack of appetite
Vitamin B1=Nuts, seeds, beans, liver and other organ meats

Vitamin B3=Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds and legumes

Manganese=Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries

Chloride=Raw goat milk, unrefined sea salt

Silicon=Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches

Tyrosine=Vitamin C supplements or orange, green and red fruits and vegetables

1 comment:

Jessa said...

Hey thanks for this I crave ice cold water all of the time so maybe I am lacking in maganese?